Tuesday 31 December 2019

Maslow's Pyramid

When I arrived in London, and learned about urban mission, one the chief influences on the scene, taught to me as a key for our task in the inner city, was Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. There are, he taught, a series of needs, which must be met, for a person to progress in their life.

It begins with basic physical survival, and progresses through safety and material security; love, relationships and belonging; self-esteem and recognition; to self-actualisation and creativity. Only when someone feels secure at a lower level, can they turn their attention to the upper levels.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Preventing Revival

There seem to be many initiatives at the moment aimed at revival in the church: including evangelistic campaigns and prayer gatherings. This is nothing new. I remember similar calls, during my student days in the 1970s. And there have been regular cycles of revivalistic enthusiasm at internals during my ministry life: from the New Churches in the 1980s, to prophetic predictions in the 1990s.

Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence